
Welcome to my website. My name is JC, a technical writer, freelance technology journalist, and FOSS advocate. This site serves as a central hub for my blog posts, project descriptions, and my documentation (hosted separately).

If you’ve landed here, it means that you and I share some kind of common interest. Homelab projects? Mechanical keyboards? General nerding out over FOSS or philosophy? Whatever your reason for stopping by, I’m sure we have something in common.

The main parts of this site are my Blog and Posts. The latter will contain relevant write-ups on my past and present projects, plus any reviews that I decided to write. If you’re curious to learn more about me, the About page has everything you need to know.

Regardless, I hope you find something to enjoy here on my website. If anything strikes your fancy and you’d like to know more, feel free to reach out.

Thanks for stopping by.